Nancee Pond

Nancee is a dedicated Reiki Master practitioner and teacher. She received her certification and attunement in Reiki I, II, and Advanced Reiki at the North Carolina Reiki Training Center beginning in 2017 and received her final master's training with William Lee Rand, founder and president of the International Center for Reiki Training. She holds master certificates in Usui Tibetan Reiki and Holy Fire. She is also certified in Animal Reiki and works with people and pets in person and distantly.

Nancee is intuitive and empathic and uses these gifts to personalize her sessions. She specializes in helping people utilize Reiki in their overall wellness, as well as for specific areas of pain or tension physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. She has worked with others using Reiki to ease physical and emotional pain, manifest goals, manage anxiety and stress, process trauma, quiet the mind, advance physical healing, and move forward with confidence. Nancee is passionate about helping others tap into the deep wisdom of their own abilities to heal themselves and bring about balance in life. 

More recently, Nancee has followed her heart and love for meditation. She was trained in Vedic Meditation by Dr. Gyanendra Mahapatra. "Maha" worked for many years under the guidance of spiritual master His Holiness Maharishi Mahaesh Yogi and traveled all around the world teaching meditation. It was her honor to host him here, in her studio, in Hendersonville, and share his training and knowledge with others.

Nancee has also completed a meditation teacher training course and a Breathwork facilitator course through Loka Yoga School, both accredited by Yoga Alliance. It is her intention to share these practices with others as a compliment to Reiki and support to overall wellness. Nancee holds a seat on the core team of Healing Oasis, a group that gives back to the local community by offering free healing services at events throughout the year. She also has worked with young women, using Reiki to support processing trauma and anxiety/panic disorder.

Nancee is a wife, mother, artist, and educator who loves being in nature. She is the owner of Blue Ridge Reiki in Hendersonville NC. She offers workshops and classes to people of all ages. You can find out more at