Katie Mayeux

Katie Mayeux is a seasoned, passionate and gifted teacher and student of the yogic path. Her practice and study began nearly 20 years ago in Dallas, Texas. In her early twenties struggling with anxiety, depression, and purpose Katie's therapist recommended she try yoga to help regulate her nervous system. In her first savasana, tears streamed down her face and for the first time in her adult life she felt home in her body, centered in her heart and present in the moment. This was the beginning of a life long relationship with breath, sound, movement and devotion to the unseen mystery that we are swimming in. 

Her first 200 hr teacher training in Dallas completed in 2012, she shortly thereafter sold everything to move to the Caribbean island of St. Thomas. It was here that the path truly began, stripping away the societal structures and conditioning she had grown up with Katie began the true journey of yoga, devoting herself to walking the path and becoming deeply intimate with the practice of Svādhyāya. Day after day showing up on the mat to breathe, move, and get still to listen to the subtle guidance at the center. Her journey would take her across the world where she was certified as a 500 hr Ashtanga and Vinyasa instructor in a traditional school in Goa, India. In India, she also had the privilege to meet her Spiritual teacher Rishi Sudhir of Tiruvannamalai, with decades of experience and a depth of Vedic knowledge. From here Katie would return to the Caribbean to build The Movement Studio, SUP YOGA VI and be an integral part of grounding and rising the yoga community of the Virgin Islands. 

During the 7 years on island, she traveled to Bali, Costa Rica, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico and the US hosting and holding yoga retreats and teacher trainings. Following the hurricanes in 2017, she found Breathwork as a pathway to heal PTSD and the trauma from the storms. This modality opened the container of unprocessed early childhood trauma and intergenerational trauma within her lineage. She devoted herself to studying somatic practices and deepening her training with her breathwork teacher and pioneer of the method David Elliot. Katie has studied extensively with David and taken all 5 levels of his training. After this, she recognized she could no longer be on island, sold her businesses and everything she owned again and gave her life to spirit. 

She was guided deep into the Amazon jungle to begin working with plant medicines, sitting at the feet of the elder shamans of the Shapibo lineage. Through this journey with the plants and the ancient teachings of the jungle, she was guided deeper into the Sacred Valley of Peru where she met her high and holy teacher Wachuma. This cactus medicine guided her to the highlands of Guatemala where she met her next teachers, the elder midwives of the Guatemalan highlands. Katie began to heal herself, her womb and her relationship to the elements, the Earth and her femininity. She was invited to study the path of pre-conception, consciously clearing lineage trauma to assist women and families in re-writing the story for those yet to come. She was eventually invited into the birth space where she has since trained and study as a doula and tender of the gate of creation, birth and death. 

Katie now resides in Gerton, NC on a beautiful piece of sacred land nestled into the Hickory Nut Gorge. She has found a way to weave this practice of yoga, breath, birth, and death into one pathway of homecoming for her clients and students. We are always on a journey of being born deeper into our bodies, dying to who we think we are so that we can allow creation to pour through the holy vessel of this body. It is her passion, purpose and deepest gift to walk alongside those ready to give their lives to the devotion of truth. Through her deep embodied experience she offers transmissions of lived wisdom from the heart and looks forward to walking with you.