Amber Anderson Holbert

Amber is a deep lover of the human experience & believes that yoga brings us closer to knowing and honoring our individual magic and divinity.

As a Personal Trainer, Amber began yoga as a form of exercise. Yet one night at a yoga class in the Blue Ridge Mall, she found a new depth, while laying in Savasana (laying flat on her back in corpse pose).

She began adding yoga to her personal training sessions, & after 6 years of self-practice, she completed her 500 hour Yoga Teacher Training at the Asheville Yoga Center in 2016. This training was a life-altering experience that inspired her to slow down and create classes with deep meaning. Classes that hold space for vast growth and self-reflection. Classes that evoke living your unique purpose.

Amber is passionate about making yoga accessible to as many people as possible.

Amber uses her personal training background to offer postures that evoke muscle strength, length & safety. Every b o d y is vastly different, therefore all postures are offered in various ways so that each participant feels welcomed.

She themes all of her classes, and uses storytelling, journaling prompts, intuitive movement & playfulness as an invitation for all students to fall in love with themselves, life, and others in a life-altering way.

She cannot wait to squeeze you soon.. if you're into that sort of thing.